

Explore how we can assist you in finding relief from bunions, a common foot condition characterized by a noticeable bump on the side of the big toe. This bump forms when the big toe shifts towards the adjacent toe, creating discomfort and affecting mobility. While some individuals experience pain from bunions, others may have no symptoms at all. Most patients respond well to non-surgical treatments, which can effectively manage any discomfort experienced.

What Leads to Bunions?
Bunions develop when tissue or bone forces the joint at the base of the big toe out of place. This structural issue may result from years of abnormal pressure on the big toe joint or genetic predisposition. Other factors contributing to bunions include underlying medical conditions like neuromuscular diseases, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis, as well as poor foot function due to collapsed arches. Women and older individuals are statistically more prone to developing bunions, with genetics and foot structure playing significant roles.

Common Symptoms and Diagnosis
Visible bump on the big toe, foot pain while standing or walking, decreased flexibility in the big toe, and calluses are common signs of bunions. Diagnosis involves a physical examination, evaluation of toe movement, and sometimes X-rays or blood tests to rule out other conditions like arthritis.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options
Treatment typically includes over-the-counter or prescription medications, ice therapy, padding, taping, and orthotics to alleviate discomfort and reduce pressure on the affected toe. Activity modifications and injection therapy may also be recommended.

Surgical Treatments
If non-surgical options fail to provide relief, surgery, such as a bunionectomy, may be considered to remove swollen tissue and correct the toe's position. Surgery is usually delayed for children until skeletal maturity is reached.

Preventive Measures
Wearing supportive and comfortable shoes with sufficient room around the big toe can help prevent bunions. Arch supports or custom inserts may also be beneficial, especially for individuals with over-pronation.

Let us help you find the right solution for your bunions, ensuring relief and improved foot health.