Chronic Ankle Instability

Explore how our services can offer relief from chronic ankle instability, a condition characterized by persistent instability and discomfort in the ankle, often resulting from repeated ankle sprains. This instability, typically felt on the outer side of the ankle, may manifest during movement or even while standing, leading to sensations of weakness or giving way.

Understanding Chronic Ankle Instability
Chronic ankle instability can affect individuals of any age, although it is more prevalent among athletes, especially those participating in activities involving frequent foot movements. Signs of the condition include involuntary inward rolling of the ankle, discomfort, swelling, and reduced confidence in weight-bearing activities due to fear of instability.

Possible Causes and Diagnosis
Chronic ankle instability often develops following acute ankle sprains that have not healed properly, resulting in weakened ligaments and decreased muscle reaction time. A detailed examination by a foot specialist, including a review of medical history and imaging tests such as X-rays, helps confirm the diagnosis and rule out other structural issues.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options
Initial treatment for chronic ankle instability may involve rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and cold therapy to reduce swelling and inflammation. Physical therapy exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, tendons, and ligaments can improve ankle stability. Additional options include ankle bracing, massage therapy, and prescription NSAIDs for pain management.

Surgical Treatment Options
When conservative treatments fail to alleviate symptoms, surgical intervention may be necessary. Arthroscopic procedures, such as the Brostrom operation, are commonly performed to stabilize the ankle by repairing damaged ligaments. Recovery from surgery typically involves post-operative rehabilitation and may take several months.

Prevention Strategies
Preventing chronic ankle instability involves minimizing repetitive ankle movements and avoiding activities that may exacerbate symptoms. Athletes may benefit from surgical interventions to maintain performance levels, although conservative treatments may suffice for some individuals. Consulting with a podiatrist can help determine the most appropriate treatment approach based on individual circumstances and goals.

Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans to address chronic ankle instability, helping you regain stability, confidence, and mobility in your daily activities.