Peripheral Neuropathy

Explore how we can assist you in finding relief from peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy, affecting about 20 million Americans, involves damage or disease in the peripheral nerves. These nerves form part of the peripheral nervous system, facilitating communication between the brain, spinal cord, and other body parts to transmit sensory information. This information includes signals for muscle movement or feedback about sensations like temperature. However, with peripheral neuropathy, this sensory information is disrupted or distorted.

With over 100 types of peripheral neuropathy, some affect single nerves (mononeuropathies), while others impact multiple nerves (polyneuropathies).

Symptoms encompass a range of sensations, including:

Sharp, jabbing, burning, freezing, or throbbing pain
Gradual numbness spreading to the limbs
Increased sensitivity to touch
Impaired coordination leading to falls
Muscle weakness or paralysis
Heat intolerance
These symptoms vary depending on the type of nerve damage - sensory, motor, or autonomic - and may affect one or more of these nerve types.

Causes of peripheral neuropathy are diverse, with diabetes being the most common trigger. Other causes include autoimmune diseases, vitamin deficiencies, alcoholism, infections, medications, tumors, and trauma.

Diagnosing peripheral neuropathy involves a thorough examination, including neurological assessments and possibly blood tests, imaging scans, nerve function tests, or biopsies.

Treatment focuses on symptom management and slowing disease progression. Strategies include pain management with oral medications or topical creams, foot care to prevent injuries or infections, proper footwear, blood sugar control for diabetics, and regular foot inspections by a podiatrist.

If you're experiencing symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, seeking early medical intervention can help in managing the condition effectively.