Plantar Fasciitis

Explore how we can assist you in finding relief from plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain affecting the ligament connecting the toes and heel bone. This condition, often characterized by discomfort during the first few steps of the day, can be managed with both non-surgical and surgical options.

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis typically affects middle-aged individuals and athletes, causing pain and stiffness in the heel area. Straining the ligament supporting the foot arch through repetitive motions, excessive pronation, or prolonged standing on hard surfaces is the primary cause of this condition.

Symptoms and Diagnosis
Early signs of plantar fasciitis include a sensation of thickness in the heel, discomfort during certain movements, and pain that persists even at rest. Diagnosis involves a physical examination, walking assessment, and possibly X-rays or additional imaging tests to rule out other foot conditions.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options
Initial treatment often includes rest, activity modification, and applying ice to reduce swelling. Non-surgical options may also involve anti-inflammatory medications, calf stretches, cortisone injections, orthotics, and supportive footwear to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

Surgical Options
If non-surgical treatments are ineffective after 10-12 months, surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical procedures such as calf muscle lengthening or plantar fascia release aim to relieve tension on the affected tissues and improve symptoms.

Preventive Measures
Preventing plantar fasciitis involves avoiding repeated foot stress, especially for athletes. Running on softer surfaces, maintaining proper running technique, and strengthening lower leg muscles through exercises can help reduce the risk of developing this condition.

With proper treatment and preventive measures, about 90 percent of individuals with plantar fasciitis can experience improvement within a year, emphasizing the effectiveness of simple treatments in managing this common foot condition.