
Explore how we can assist you in finding relief from ankle sprains.

An ankle sprain occurs when a ligament connecting two or more bones to a joint is injured due to excessive pressure. Typically, this injury happens when the soft tissue is stretched beyond its normal range of motion, often as a result of sudden twisting movements. While ankle sprains are usually temporary inconveniences, it's essential to seek medical attention if:

Rest and home remedies fail to alleviate symptoms
The sprain causes severe pain
Ankle sprains can be categorized into three grades:

Grade I: Involves small ligament tears with mild discomfort
Grade II: Moderate sprains with larger ligament tears
Grade III: Severe sprains with partial or complete ligament detachment, causing severe pain and instability
Common causes of ankle sprains include repetitive motion injuries, accidental twists, slips, falls, or attempts to prevent falls. Individuals with conditions like arthritis or foot instability are more susceptible to ligament damage.

Symptoms of ankle sprains vary, ranging from mild discomfort to inflammation, swelling, tenderness, and difficulty standing or walking on the affected foot. While minor sprains can often be managed with the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and over-the-counter pain medication, persistent or severe symptoms warrant medical attention.

During diagnosis, a healthcare professional will examine the affected area, assess foot movements, and may order X-rays or MRI scans to rule out fractures or additional soft tissue damage.

Treatment typically involves medication, immobilization with a brace, and the use of crutches to avoid weight-bearing on the injured ankle until the ligament heals. Surgery is rarely necessary but may be considered if the ligament fails to heal or is completely detached.

Preventive measures include proper stretching before physical activities, strengthening exercises for foot and ankle muscles, and following injury prevention advice from a podiatrist.

If you're experiencing symptoms of an ankle sprain, seeking timely medical intervention can aid in effective management and reduce the risk of long-term complications.